Enric Gispert

Enric Gispert

One of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had making music has been playing the Xirimia soprano (the “mother” of the oboe) in two groups directed by the musicologist and director Enric Gispert: La Banda el Renaixement “Consonare” and La Capella de Música de Santa Maria del Mar.

I specially remember the concerts we played at the International Music Festival of Barcelona, with a renaissance Catalan music program: “Polifonistes del Principat” and at the Ancient Music Festival of Barcelona, where the program was: “The Venetian Instrumental music in the times of Gabrieli”.

With Enric Gispert I had more than a strictly professional relationship: we had enthusiasm and rigor for music and I also felt valued and loved by one of the most important musical personalities of our country.